Avoiding the Pitfall: Empty Results over 404 Errors in APIs

Berkay Giris
2 min readJun 5, 2023

Have you ever come across a scenario where you perform a query on an API, and get a confusing 404 error message instead of an empty result? It’s a common issue that many developers, myself included, have experienced. In this article, I am going to give you a common pitfall example and the importance of following best practices in this case.

Consider the following scenario:

Let’s say that a user wants to search for articles using a specific tag, such as “technology.” If there are no articles associated with that tag, returning a 404 error suggests to the user that the tag itself may be invalid or that they made an error. Instead, returning an empty result with a 200 status code conveys clarity, assuring the user that the tag is valid but no articles matched the criteria.

Benefits of Returning an Empty Result:

  1. Enhanced user experience: By returning an empty result with a 200 status code, clients receive clear feedback that their query was executed successfully, but no matching results were found. This eliminates confusion and frustration, ensuring a positive user experience.
  2. Clear expectations: Returning a 200 status code for an empty result aligns with established conventions and REST principles. It ensures consistent behavior across different endpoints, allowing developers and clients to have clear expectations.
  3. Simplified tracking and monitoring: Distinguishing between server errors and empty query results simplifies error tracking and monitoring. It allows for accurate reporting and effective debugging by focusing on actual errors instead of treating empty results as anomalies.

This issue was just one pitfall among many in API design. As developers, it’s our responsibility to continuously improve and refine our APIs. By prioritizing consistency and adhering to industry standards, we can create APIs that are not only user-friendly but also easier to maintain and scale. Embracing practices that promote clear communication between the API and its clients ultimately saves time and effort in debugging and troubleshooting.

